"ই-স্বাস্থ্য" তৃতীয় পক্ষের নিকট চুক্তিভিত্তিক কমিশনে কাজ করে । যেকোন প্রয়োজনীয় সেবা পেতে কল করুন – ০১৯৯৪ ০৩২৩৬৭ ।

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Widal Test


Available for : All

Sample : Blood

Test Preparation : “No Special Preparation”

Test at Home : “YES”

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About The Test

Widal Test (Slide Agglutination) test helps to detect typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever – collectively known as enteric fever, caused by the consumption of food or water contaminated by Salmonella bacteria. The symptoms include high fever, malaise, headache, constipation or diarrhoea, rose-colored spots on the chest, and enlarged spleen & liver.

This test helps to detect antibodies in a blood sample against two antigens (O & H) of bacteria. It should only be performed after a week or two for accurate results.


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