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Serum Total Protein


Available for : All

Sample : Blood

Test Preparation : “No special preparation required”

Test at Home : “YES”

About The Test

What is Protein Total, Serum?


Protein Total, Serum test is also known as TP. This test is done as a part of general health checkup and is done to determine the nutritional status of an individual. It is also done to screen and help detect certain liver and kidney diseases and disorders.


Why is Protein Total, Serum done?

The Protein Total, Serum Test is done:

  • As a part of routine physical examination

  • In case of unexpected weight loss

  • In case of fatigue

  • In case of symptoms of liver or kidney disorder


What does Protein Total, Serum Measure?

The Protein Total, Serum Test measures the total amount of the various types of proteins in the serum. Proteins are known as building blocks of all cells and tissues. They are very important for the growth and development of the body. The proteins are responsible for forming the structural part of most of the organs and help in making up of enzymes and hormones which regulate the functions of the body.

In the blood, two classes of proteins are found which include albumin and globulin. Around 60% of the total protein is formed of albumin which is produced by the liver. Albumin works as a carrier protein for various small ions and molecules. It also acts as a source of amino acids for tissue metabolism and as the principal component which is involved in the maintenance of osmotic pressure.

The rest of the proteins present in the plasma are globulins which include enzymes, antibodies, carrier proteins, hormones, and various other types of proteins. In the blood, the protein total serum levels are relatively stable, which means that there is a fine balance in the loss and production of the protein molecules.

If this delicate balance is disturbed due to any illness or disease then this test is done to analyze the reason for it.


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